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Geeky Song of the Week

Here’s a new feature I’m hoping to be able to keep up week after week.

This week its The World is Saved. If you’re a video game player then I think that you will enjoy this one.

Happy Birthday to James Marsters

So his birthday was actually yesterday but yesterday was also Cthulhu day and I didn’t want to cramp H.P.’s style. You’ll remember James from such roles as Spike, and um Spike. I guess he was in Smallville, and Caprica too. You know him as Spike, I know him as Spike, lets celebrate him as such. SPOILER ALERT, the video below has some spoilers in it for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

It’s not a toothpaste tube, it’s YouTube!

What i find my self doing a lot is watching videos on youtube. All though many people only see it as Cuteanimal Tube, if you really search, there is a community there. People who just talk into their cameras and make friends a music and cake sometimes. Not often though. These are my favorite YouTubers.

Tom Milsom/Hexachordal

Tom milsom is a british musician, vlogger, and ice breaker at parties. He is my personal favorite youtuber, and one of the biggest inspirations in my life. He also has nice hair. Almost all of his videos have something to do with music, such as a new song or music video, but occasionally he does just plain old vlogs. BUT THEY’RE NOT PLAIN AT ALL. Tom Milsom has a habit of doing normal things in non normal ways. For example, in the above video, he has three different vlogs playing at once. He’s very creative.

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Introductions are in order

Hey, Devin here. So I am the first half of the get geek team. I don’t like taking long walks on the beaches(it hurts my feet!), and I play the uke.Kinda. I have 3 cats, that don’t always get along. Yes I’m a cat person. Deal with it. I guess thats enough about me for now.


  • I am working on the new Dr. Who series so you can expect to hear aboot that as I watch it.
  • I have consumed almost everything Whedon. This would be excluding the second season of doll house, alien 3?, and the original buffy movie if I know my shiznish. Also we(meaning you Tim) should watch that it has Paul “pewee herman” Ruebens
  • I listen to podcasts… you’ll hear more aboot that
  • I have watched all of Lost and got in a very heated argument about the ending of the show with my dad… I know I’m right. His theory was invalidated by the writers of the SHOW! OK got that off my chest.
  • I read comics of the web and dead-tree variety.

Devin OUT!

Timothy D Blakely

Hi. I’m Timothy, and the cooler half of Get Geek. way cooler≥÷≤…æ“‘–≠ƒ©˙√ç≈ßåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπΩ≈ç√∫˜µ¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠œ∑´®†¥¨ sorry bout that, i just figured out how to make all those cool symbols with my keyboard. so BACK TO ME. I like music, and some other stuff, and im kinda obnoxious, and i sing friday on friday, so beware.

•I have watched all of new Doctor Who
•i have a gameboy advance in my back pack right now
•”I’m super into youtube stuff”
•I have an otamatone
•I play the accordion
•I’m devin’s friend
•I can quote almost all of Peewee Herman’s Big Adventure from memory

well ya thats it.

I’m a peeweeist

Doctor Who (It is called get geek…)

So i just watched the penultimate episode of season one in DW, and i just had to point a few things out. For one, people were playing big brother the game show, but in the future, and someone got evicted from the house, and the head person said “she’s been evicted. FROM LIFE.” and i just thought that line was brilliant. second, Captain Jack was in what not to wear, and they got him naked, and they were about to kill him, so he reaches behind him and pulls a laser gun out of his….. hiney.

wow he really pulled that one out of his ass.